Monday, January 31, 2011


9 out of 10 Moms agree that you should
click on the image to enlarge it!!
So... one month down, and 11 to go! That's just, eh... 334 more comics to go!!!
That aside, I really do want to thank the fine folks who have come up to me and brought up the topic of my comic. Just knowing that people put aside a minute or two to look at my work really lifts my spirits. I've always been a bit shy about my drawing ability, but the positive feedback I've gotten has made me a very happy Murk.
To all, thank you kindly! I'll keep it up if you're willing to stick by this fool! 

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Might do ya some good to practice
your clicking skills!

So as usual, here's page three of the continuing story. I'm happy with how this one turned out, though am a little unsure about the transition. Had I more room, I'd add in a little more action. But I think you all can pretty much tell what happens.

It's also the first words from our Protagonist. Seems he gets frustrated pretty easily.
Gonna keep trying to post these every 10 days, but they're getting progressively more time consuming. I'll try my best!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Click that Sucka!

So, I love my mom. That being said, she can be a little long winded on the phone. Generally I express what piece of trash I'm eating, and she goes into (lengthy) discussion of her masterpiece of a meal. She means well, but really, it is an experience.
As for Sushi Burgers, they do not exist yet! But they are an inevitable dining dish.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Don't strain yer eyes!!
Click the Image for magic word enhancement!!!
You've seen a few of these characters in the comics, and will certainly see them again in the future. These are the folks living (more or less) together at this house. I sure hope I didn't butcher their angelic faces with my garbled drawings!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Why, this here comic sure is mighty small!!
Perhaps clicking it will help!!

Did a far longer and well drawn comic today than the previous two! I love drawing all of these dumb faces!

In other thoughts, that Genie probably ought to switch to light beers. Getting kind of a belly!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I apologize for the second stupid comic in a row, but sometimes time is in little supply!
Tomorrows comic will hopefully be more entertaining.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011


Boy dis comic shore is big!
One might wanna click on dat!

I was in a bad mood earlier, but while drawing this, I very quickly cheered up.
It's really enjoyable drawing in this stupid style! But when I'm in public, I tend to make the same faces that I'm drawing. I'm a pretty dumb fellow.  

Saturday, January 22, 2011


This started out just as a drawing practice, but their conversation got increasingly interesting/entertaining. I'm enjoying drawing in a coffee shop with Mafo by my side. Gets me out of the house and keeps my mind a-movin'

Friday, January 21, 2011


I wish I could say this doesn't happen every day, but sadly that is not the case.

Sometimes I just point at the food too, and act like I don't understand.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Well, here's page two of the large narrative featuring our nameless character. From here on out they will be in black and white. Not much happens on this page, but imagine you are holding the comic book, and this is the left page. So there will be a continuation on the next page!

If you missed the first page, check it out!

Page 1

I'm going to try to keep the practice of a page every 10 days, but on that I can't make any promises. These take quite a long time, but I'm even happier with this one than I was the last! I still need a lot of practice with anatomy, but I'll keep working on it!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


The Great Scarlett Belly Trail has long since disappeared, but the memory of one fat lil' weiner dog certainly remains. I very much miss playing in the woods near the house in which I grew up. Many good memories.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Today's comic is brought to you by Good Friends Karaoke, Napkins, and Public Drunkenness.
And guest starring my pal Angel. Happy Birthday, Angel!!

Monday, January 17, 2011


Whew! Yet another super big comic! I really need to get some quick simple ones out in the near future! This one kept me up way too late tonight!

I can't recall exactly what my dad's hair looked like when he still had it, so it sorta shifts around in the comic. Or maybe it's actually a small rodent...

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Wow! Really really big image today, folks! But that is due to an equally big party!

Buffet Parties go far, far back! They are gatherings for hungry friends, to consume amazing amounts of questionable food, to drink horrifying amounts of alcohol, and most importantly to enjoy the company of one another.

It was good to find familiar faces full of fond fmemories. As much as I do enjoy New Orleans, I find myself missing Lafayette, and more specifically the people in it.

But we're all still young, and have plenty more parties left in these bodies of ours!
So until next time, stay hungry!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Mafo was telling me of an old home video featuring him, Andrew and myself. Andrew and Mafo were spinning in circles, while I was just kind of sitting around.

Good times.

Friday, January 14, 2011


No matter how bad the pun, we will find it funny.

We are, however, still horrible people for laughing.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


The responsibilities of Cat King are many, including making sure the cat doesn't fall off of your head, as well as feeding said cat on head.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Really the window probably leads to some horrible ghetto dimension.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Whew! Posting this one a little late! It was tough to make myself draw today.
I can't imagine the rest of the year...

This alarm problem happens to me more than I'd like to admit. I probably don't even need the clock anymore!

Monday, January 10, 2011


To celebrate the 10th comic, I made the first page of a narrative Mafo and I have been working on for some time. This took a big longer than expected, but I'm pretty proud of the final product! It's pretty large, so feel free to click the image for a better view!
Hopefully we'll see this go somewhere in the future. We've got plenty of storyline, but dang, drawin' takes a long time!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


The picture is really big today! Click on that sucka!

Took an unconventional approach today with a series of photographs from Itis Party last night.

For those of you who don't know, 'Itis' is when you eat a very large amount of heavy food until you pass out. Corned Beef Hash is usually a popular choice, as well as "The Luther" 

The Spirit of Itis was definitely inside of me last night!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Short and simple today!
I love me some banjo strummin', but I can't say I'm good at it!

Friday, January 7, 2011


You would think with this routine one might invest in a hair dryer, but on the other hand, the ride to work certainly wakes me up faster than coffee!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Kind of a large comic today! You can click the image for a bigger view!
I've kept some of the items in my little box for years and years. In fact, that candy roll is about 6 years old, if my memory is correct.

How about you guys? What kinda sentimental junk have you kept within your grasp?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Driving to Baton Rouge with Mafo, this actually occurred.
We're dressed fancy for a murder mystery party!
It's gonna be to die for~

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


This is pretty much me at work every day. I make pizzas so beautiful, that people want to reach over the glass and touch them.

There won't be any structure to how I do these comics. Some may be hand drawn, some digital, some made of macaroni and glue. Who knows!

Monday, January 3, 2011

1, 2, 3

To start off, here are the first three comics I did done did!
Not much to say about the happenings here. Just decided to start a blog along with it, so hopefully I'll have more to talk about in the near future. But for now, I have a burger to finish!

Oh, and here's the lil' cat painting I did today!

The Beginning

So this here's the place where I'll be posting my stupid daily comics throughout the year!

I might post other odds and ends when the time calls for it!

I ain't never blogged before! I'd better brush my teeth!!