Monday, January 31, 2011


9 out of 10 Moms agree that you should
click on the image to enlarge it!!
So... one month down, and 11 to go! That's just, eh... 334 more comics to go!!!
That aside, I really do want to thank the fine folks who have come up to me and brought up the topic of my comic. Just knowing that people put aside a minute or two to look at my work really lifts my spirits. I've always been a bit shy about my drawing ability, but the positive feedback I've gotten has made me a very happy Murk.
To all, thank you kindly! I'll keep it up if you're willing to stick by this fool! 


  1. Hahahahahaha, no, I definitely drank.

    I can see now how the comic looks like that.
    I just happened to be drinking while drawing it.

    A dangerous combination!

  2. I live in Canada and I enjoy this comic. You're international now.

  3. Your talent goes well beyond your drawing ability. Time to get past the shy.
