Thursday, January 6, 2011


Kind of a large comic today! You can click the image for a bigger view!
I've kept some of the items in my little box for years and years. In fact, that candy roll is about 6 years old, if my memory is correct.

How about you guys? What kinda sentimental junk have you kept within your grasp?


  1. While most of my things like this are in St. Francisville, if you ever care to step into my room I can show you some of it. I still have a little urn with everyone's hair in it. Had a thing for hair back when.

    Good last panel, good whole comic.

  2. You know, I was thinking about alot of the stuff I kept from yall when we were all in highschool recently. This one was amazing, made me feel all nostalgic

  3. There's this chest in my room that has stuff stacked on top of it. Whenever I've gone through the stuff in the chest it's like nostalgia hits because I can remember what everything is in it and when I acquired it.
